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“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes, which can be
made, in a very narrow field” — Niels Bohr

When I first received the request to create this handbook I cringed at the scope involved. How could I possibly encapsulate all of parametric test into a single text? Fortunately I have had a great deal of help and support from a number of people. I would especially like to acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals:

  • Tomoyuki Akiyama (Application Specialist, Keysight Technologies,) for the numerous and informative application notes he generated over the years.
  •  Terry Burcham (Application Specialist, Cascade Microtech) for his material on on-wafer parametric measurement from which I freely borrowed.
  • Yasushi Okawa (Application Specialist, Keysight Technologies) for the insight he supplied to me on high-speed and fast pulsed measurement.
  • Bill Verzi (Application Engineer, Keysight Technologies) for the knowledge and help he supplied on the measurement of thin-gate dielectric capacitors.